A friend will ask you how you are
A Dominican friend will tell you you look good, will hug you and give you a kiss.
A friend sends you flowers and a card when you are in hospital
A Dominican friend will sleep on a chair at your side
A friend will ask to borrow something and will give it back 2 days later
A Dominican friend will ask to borrow something and after a week will forget it was yours
A friend will offer you the sofa to sleep on
A Dominican friend will give you his bed, he will sleep on the floor and not let you sleep but spend the whole night talking to you

A friend will know a few things about you
A Dominican friend will be able to write a book with all the things he knows about you
A friend will give you a paracetomal when you are hungover
A Dominican friend will make you chicken soup, and give you his grandmother's cures, and will make sure you drink the soup, even hand feeding you.
A friend will knock on your door, waiting for you to open it
A Dominican friend will open the door, walk in and then say I am here
A friend will ask you to make them coffee
A Dominican friend will go into the kitchen, make the coffee and go next door to ask a neighbour for sugar if you have none